JuiceNet Utility Edition Software

Enel X Way: Ranked #1 Vehicle Grid Integration Solution Provider by Navigant

JuiceNet is a communication, control, and intelligence platform that dynamically matches drivers’ charging patterns, real-time input and signals from grid operators and utilities to aggregate and manage charging station demand.

JuiceNet Utility Edition enables utility managers access to charging behavior across their service territory. The software solution executes managed charging across a portfolio of EV charging stations, based on utility load management requirements, while prioritizing driver mobility needs. It provides critical features to manage residential and commercial EV demand, including the following:

  • Create and manage utility smart charging programs and associated device groups
  • Schedule and execute automated demand response events
  • Monitor EV driver charging behavior, real-time charging station status and demand response event participation statistics

Contact our sales team to learn more.

JuiceNet Utility Edition Features

Demand Response
View historical demand response events and schedule new ones.
Utility Programs
Create, view, search, modify and remove utility programs.
Energy Groups
Create, view and edit Energy Groups
Usage Data
Usage data for a group of charging stations can be viewed in a heatmap or downloaded in a CSV file.
Track Time of Use (TOU) and DR event override statistics for individual stations and groups.
Program Design
Custom design energy service programs to meet your needs.
”Access to EV charging data is essential for evaluating our smart charging program. The new charging behavior insights will inform our program's scale up as EV adoption grows in Long Island.”
— Michelle Somers, Electric Vehicles Program Manager

Why Enel X Way?

Enel X Way is a division of Enel, a global electric utility and one of the leading producers of renewable energy. We help businesses, cities, energy providers, and automakers deploy smart EV charging solutions and reach their sustainability goals.

Enel X Way

The Enel Group



$65 B


Charging ports globally
Business customers at more than 10,000 sites
Annual revenue

Contact the Enel X Way e-Mobility utility sales team today to learn more.