What are the qualifications to participate?

You must live in a qualifying area as determined by your zip code. Recently, the JuicePoints program was expanded to most of California. You can check your eligibility here.

If you are a customer of PG&E, SCE or SDG&E, the person listed on your utility bill will need to sign a Customer Information Service Request (CISR) form. We require a copy of your electric utility bill to ensure accurate completion of this form.

You will need to have a JuiceNet-enabled EV charging station that is connected to the Internet in order to participate and earn JuicePoints. See our webstore for listings of supported home charging stations.

We will review your eligibility for our JuicePoints program, and contact you as soon as possible if we become aware of any issues. You will need to accept our JuicePoints program Terms of Participation during your enrollment process.

I was not eligible to earn JuicePoints before, but I live in California. Can I join now? What do I need to do?

Most likely, yes! We have now opened JuicePoints to most of California. If you previously signed up for JuicePoints, contact juicepoints.support@evcharging.enelx.com to provide your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and confirm that you have read and accepted our updated Terms of Participation. By doing so, you will be eligible for a one-time $15 JuicePoints credit.

If you previously earned JuicePoints, but cancelled your participation in our program because of a conflicting demand response program, such as OhmConnect or one offered by your utility, contact juicepoints.support@evcharging.enelx.com to provide your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and confirm that you have read and accepted our updated Terms of Participation By doing so, you will be eligible for a one-time 15,000 JuicePoints credit.

If you previously signed up for JuicePoints AND provided your VIN, but cancelled your participation in our program because of a conflicting demand response program, such as OhmConnect or one offered by your utility, contact juicepoints.support@evcharging.enelx.com to confirm your VIN(s) are current and you have read and accepted our updated Terms of Participation. We can reinitiate your JuicePoints program.

Am I eligible for a $50 discount or rebate?

In order to receive your $50 discount or rebate, you must purchase, or have purchased within the last thirty days, your JuiceNet-enabled charging station from our webstore and completed the JuicePoints enrollment process, including signing the Customer Information Service Request (CISR) form, if applicable. Purchases from third-party reseller sites, such as Amazon, Costco, Walmart or eBay, are not eligible for a $50 rebate.

Am I eligible for a 15,000 JuicePoints credit?

If you have not previously enrolled and provided your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), then you are eligible for a 15,000 JuicePoints credit to your JuicePoints balance. You may not receive the $50 discount (or rebate) in addition to the 15,000 JuicePoints credit.

Why do I need to authorize utility data access?

In order to complete your JuicePoints registration and verify your charging station’s response to the grid operator, we need to be able to access your utility electric meter data. Any time a third party, such as Enel X Way, needs access to your meter data from PG&E, SCE or SDG&E, a Customer Information Service Request (CISR) form requires your review and signature. The utility will not grant us access without your permission.

You are free to revoke that permission at any time, but you may no longer be eligible to earn JuicePoints in the program. Please contact us at juicepoints.support@evcharging.enelx.com to confirm your continued eligibility.

What if I am NOT a customer of PG&E, SCE or SDG&E?

You can still join JuicePoints! We will not require you to authorize us to receive your utility data. If we require you to confirm your participation in JuicePoints or a program offered by your utility, we may ask you to complete an agreement with us and/or your utility. At such time, we may or may not be able to continue offering JuicePoints thereafter.

How is my utility data used?

We take your privacy very seriously. Your utility meter data will be used to verify your eligibility for enrollment and also to verify your charging behavior back to the grid operator. You can find further details in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Participation.

Why is my Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) needed and what will be done with it?

Enel X Way provides JuicePoints through smart EV charging programs; one such program is through the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which utilizes VINs as well as your quarterly aggregated charging volume. In limited circumstances, CARB may ask eMotorWerks to confirm quarterly data with charging session details.

What if I have solar?

That’s ok! Currently, residential solar net energy metering (NEM) utility rate plans do not conflict with our program. If you are on a rate plan that maximizes your solar savings during the day, you can instruct the charger not to draw power during that time. This would allow you to feed your solar power to the grid during the day and conduct as much charging as possible during the night.

What if I am on a Time-of-Use rate?

That’s ok! We realize that for many EV owners Time-of-Use rates are beneficial.

I do not have a smart meter for my electricity. Can I still participate?

Yes, we recently updated our program eligibility criteria, and you can join JuicePoints!

What if I have a question that isn’t addressed here?

If you have a question that hasn’t been addressed here, please feel free to contact us!

Why do I see the eMotorWerks name on documents?

eMotorWerks has been rebranded as Enel X Way; however, the legal name transition as not yet been completed. Until such time, eMotorWerks is still the named entity on your data authorization form and customer notification letter. You will not be required to re-enroll under Enel X Way.