#Home Charging

Learn how JuiceBox is making home charging a more realistic option for consumers and get advice on how to use and care for your home charging station.

Imagine never going to a gas station again. That’s the beautiful, everyday reality for EV drivers who quickly and conveniently plug in their cars at home—thereby avoiding the hassle of driving to the pumps. (And the fumes!) For the best...

On the right: Kenneth M, JuiceBox user, volunteers to help deliver medical supplies and assistance to rural communities in Hawaii. Enel X JuiceBox Gives Caregiver the Charge He Needs The Coronavirus-19 pandemic strained medical personnel...

Sales of electric vehicles currently represent only about three percent of the new car market. But that’s about to skyrocket. Nearly every major automaker is expected to introduce several new and exciting electric models to the market over the...

Electric vehicles are quick and quiet with battery packs centered below the cabin and low to the ground, they hug the road and give the driver the feel of a modern sports car These attributes are visceral. However, one of their biggest and...

For more than a century, motorists have fueled their vehicles in the same way. You drive to a neighborhood gas station and pump in a tankful of gasoline. That’s the way it works whether people live in a sprawling single-family home or a...

A number of signs are pointing to the fact that we’re only at the tip of the iceberg with regards to EV deployment. Bloomberg New Energy Finance forecasts that the EV market is about to take off, with more than 20 million EV sales expected...

Many new electric car buyers believe that finding charging stations is the most challenging aspect of EV ownership, and that waiting for their car to charge will be an onerous task, because we’ve all been conditioned to refuel our cars by driving...

One of the many benefits of driving an electric vehicle is the ability to “fuel” your EV at home without having to take time out of your day to go to a service station. There are various EV charging levels, however, a 240V Level 2 (or L2)...