Earn cash for smart charging your EV
Maximize use of cleaner, cheaper renewable energy
Contribute to a more reliable grid for all

Start earning in three easy steps

JuiceNet-enabled devices can contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable, more reliable grid AND earn cash in the process. Be flexible about when your car charges, and earn JuicePoints redeemable for cash. Since 2017, the JuicePoints program has rewarded EV drivers with cash just for charging smarter and cleaner.

Start earning with JuicePoints, get $50 off the purchase of JuiceBox!

How Does It Work?

JuiceNet receives information from electric grid operators when electricity prices are high and additional fossil-fueled power plants may need to be activated.

In response, JuiceNet can defer your charging to later time periods within your charging session to draw cleaner and cheaper electricity This happens automatically while ensuring your car is ready when you need it.

By conserving energy at these critical moments, you help us reduce demand for carbon-intensive electricity. Grid operators share cost savings with us and then we share with you! All of this happens automatically, without you needing to lift a finger.

When we cannot match your charging to grid conditions, we purchase renewable energy credits to offset your EV charging.

Learn How It Works

Our Electric Service Partners

You may also be eligible for other rewards and incentives if you are a customer of our utility partners.

What are the qualifications to participate?
What is this smart charging program all about?
Am I giving up any control by participating?
How much will I earn with this program?
How are my JuicePoints distributed?
How does this actually help the grid? I’d like to learn more.
What if there is not enough renewable energy during the period my vehicle is charging? Will I be stranded?
If I’m having problems with my JuiceBox, who do I contact?
My JuiceBox is not on a dedicated meter. Will this affect the power for the rest of my home?
What is a JuiceNet ID?
Can I participate in this JuicePoints program if I have a JuiceBox Pro 40 Lite (UL certified version)?
I am a JuiceNet-as-a-Service (JaaS) or JuicePlan customer. Can I join JuicePoints?
What if I have a question that isn't addressed here?